Sunday, 11 December 2011

Stu Gardiner & Mark Denning.

A very productive digging session that saw around 20 bags filled from lowering the floor and removing most of the small boulders that lay in the way, the chisel bit on the drill worked very well breaking up the loosed stall and fractured rock (probably from previous chemical persuasion).

Again the bad air drove us out towards the end although there is plenty to haul and around 4 - 5 bags worth of loose spoil to be extracted from the hole.

It would seem that the right hand wall of the hole undercuts and with the aid of a camera Mark managed to get a photo of underneath the dig face which again shows another void.

A new skip is now in place.

Total time underground: 3.5 hours.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:While Pit - 11/12/11

Mark Denning, Estelle Sandford, Stu Gardiner, Mike Moxon & Henry Dawson.

Work continued on trying to gain access to the hole beyond, the floor was lowered but will need a considerable amount more to make digging the hole comfortable.

Total time underground: 3 hours

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:White Pit - 07/12/11