Thursday, 5 January 2012

White Pit 4/1/12

Estelle, Henry D & Mike M


Henry went in first clearing the remains of the rubble created by Mark last time with the chisel drill and continued digging downwards through mud while Mike & Estelle hauled about a dozen bags up from the dig and shelf. Then Estelle went in and after doing a little digging in the floor, was attacked from above by a tennis ball sized rock, so decided the roof needed gardening. This has been tidied now and a fair bit of rock brought down. The digging in the floor isn’t easy as it’s quite tight and you need to double up and have your head by your feet! Mike went in after and carried on gardening and clearing spoil. As it stands ideally need the chisel drill for next time as the passage we are following down is getting quite deep and really awkward to dig now and needs widening and hammer and chisel has little impact. It may be worth considering Dr Nobel’s linctus as well, although air was really rubbish all night tonight, quite thick all the way through in the dig area and above it. All bar the last few bags were cleared to Talus and dumped.

Lock has been changed as old one died.

White Pit 14/12/11

Estelle, Mark, Stu, Mike, Henry


Last dig for Mark before baby due to take over his life! Using the generator/drill as much as possible to create as much debris as possible and do as much damage as possible to give work for the next session! All took in turns to have a dig, quite a lot of looser mud and stal encrusted around it, but still needs widening. Following a water worn wall and can see s bit of what looks like black space beyond, but not sure what we’ve got. All bar last few bags cleared up to Talus. Also poking around in RH wall in middle of Talus by spoil pile removing big boulders to pass the time and keep warm! Air not overly good, but kept better by only the digger being in the dig and the rest generally staying up in Talus out of the way.