Thursday 6 December 2012

White Pit 5/12/12

Estelle Sandford, Mark Denning, Mike Moxon
Digging the end and moved all the bags we dug and had stored previously up to the top ready for a haul next time. Mike dug first and then Estelle had a dig and then Mark. Fairly easy digging in stal floor which has a mud infill underneath and any rocks seem to be coming out ok. Debatable as to whether the bit we are sat in could do with a little chemical persuasion to enlarge, but the way on so far is easy digging so we could leave as is. There is a boulder in the roof above which is well stalled in but looks a bit precarious. Way on has an obvious sign of a void, how big we might well find out next time… Hoping for something a bit more than the usual little pocket we seem to find! 

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