Sunday, 12 December 2010

White Pit - 12th December 2010

Stu Gardiner, Estelle Sandford, Mark Denning & Jo Hardy

The large problem boulder in the floor was broken down using feathers, however a large portion of it still remains due to some poorly placed feathers (Stu), it could be broken up further although it's not really causing too much of an obsruction.

The 8" stal floor turned out to be a huge roof pendant that had been deposited, this was removed after a larger boulder holding it down was taken out from further into the dig, once both these had been extracted the floor was much lower allowing the skip to be easily filled with the spade.

The dig has now taken on a distinct right hand turn and digging in the roof gave way to a small air space with some visable flow stone and some small straws etc.  The passage is around 1m in width with a roof pendant in the middle, under this pendant is a very large slab that will need to be removed to allow progress.  The floor will also need to be dropped considerably to allow for comfortable digging - Air is still very fresh, even after long periods at the dig face.

Estelle and Mark have started to restructure the spoil areas with some impressive walls from the boulders taken out, this will be invaluable once more spoil and rocks start to come out.

As the dig gets deeper it's felt that maybe a bolt will be need in the roof to aid the extraction of skips below.

Total time underground - 4 hours