Friday, 3 January 2014

White Pit 1/1/14

Estelle Sandford, Rob Adams, Duncan Butler, Stu Lindsay
trip to haul and empty all bags in the system before banging the dig and putting the cave out of action for a couple of weeks of bad air. 12 bags moved from dig staging area to main staging area while Estelle drilled 3 holes in the rocks, 1 horizontal through the slab and 2 into the right hand boulder. There was a lot of water flowing into the dig today and the water pocket on the way up was also full. The water sounds really impressive dropping away with that sort of flow (there had been lots of flood alerts locally and lots of rain). Once holes drilled and Duncan and Rob had looked at the end, we moved up to main haul, swapped the skip for Stu's new one and Duncan hauled while Stu on corner and me at the bottom with Rob helping at bottom to start, then  slowly dying of alcohol poisoning while emptying bags! All bags removed to top - some 40-50 at a rough guess. Left the handful of rocks behind. Bang planned for Saturday. Also need to take a new hauling rope in for topside as we brought the old one out to measure and throw away as is knackered and also to release the crab and maillon off it. Tim has some old MCR rope he will hopefully sort for us ready for next time we go down.

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